Saturday, August 30, 2008

#3 - Four-way stop intersections are not rocket science

Come on people! Four cars come to an intersection together, and we all have stop signs. The first person to get there gets to go first. Do not wave me on because you think you are being nice...I do not trust morons so I will not go. Go when it is your turn. Also, if you are the second car behind someone at a four-way stop...just because it is their turn to go does not mean some magic light that doesn't exist turned green and you may go too (without stopping at all).

Stop being idiots (PEOPLE OF CONNECTICUT HEAR ME) and go when it is your legal right to do so...not before and not after.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Almost every intersection in my neighborhood has four way stop signs, so I get to experience this at least 12 times a day.